Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who you callin' crazy?!

Have you ever been told that something you wanted to do was crazy, but you did it anyway. The Wright brothers wanted to fly. People scoffed at them, yet now about 42% of Americans travel by airplane. That's almost half! 
Visionaries like Steve Jobs, cofounder of Apple, said their would be a computer in every home, at the time when most computers were bigger than a home. Now, not only is that true, but most of us carry them around in our pocket as cell phones. 
Noah, listening to God, built a giant boat when it was believed that nobody had even heard of, or even seen rain before, let alone enough to need a boat. 
Just as with the Wright brothers or Steve Jobs, people thought Noah was crazy, but he followed through on what he knew was right, and changed the world as we know it. What do you have in mind to change the world? 
Go Crazy!
This week think of some things that you as a family could do to change the world. Maybe it just as simple as helping your neighbor or as huge as raising money to build an orphanage in a third world country. Here is the challenge, once you brainstorm and decide on the best way to change the world. . . do!

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