So did you get them done! How brave are you? Will you share? As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up . . ." Lets stand beside each other this year. Lets encourage each other to be the men and women God has called us to be!
So what are your resolutions this year? Here's a few of mine:
1. More "on purpose" time with God
2. Through the Bible in a year
3. Be the man God wants me to be as a Husband, Father, Son, Friend . . .
4. Read 6-12 new, impactful books this year
5. Keep up better on relationships, be it Twitter, Facebook, and in person even
6. Keep up on, and be all God will have me to be in bringing kids
to the arms of Jesus!
7. Keep up with a new blog post 1-2x a month with how God is working in my life